Team: Global Tigers

Semester: Spring 2024 


App description: An onboarding app for incoming international students at the University of Memphis featuring a checklist of onboarding tasks to perform and an interactive map of the university.

Github: (Private -- contact the sponsor to request access)

Student team

Nicholas Hayden Bradley

Email: nhbrdly1@memphis.edu

David Zion Hebert

Email: dzhebert@memphis.edu

Hoang Thien Nguyen

Email: htngyn10@memphis.edu

Karina Pizarro

Email: kpizarro@memphis.edu


Wing Chow

Email: wychow@memphis.edu


Brandon Booth

Email: bmbooth@memphis.edu

Teaching Assistant Advisor

Israt Naiyer

Email: israt.n@memphis.edu


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