Team: Investigators

student's choice 3rd Third Place [Tie] Student's Choice Award

Semester: Spring 2024 


App description: A web app that adds game-like avatar, inventory, and cosmetic shop features to educational content (e.g., video tutorials, quizzes, etc.) from Teen Money Box to make learning more fun for a broad community.

Github: (Private -- contact the sponsor to request access)

Student team

Sasha Nicole Self

Email: sasha.self21@gmail.com
GitHub: https://github.com/Sasha2k21

Richard D Partain

Email: richardpartain2000@gmail.com
GitHub: https://github.com/dangle03

Luis Fernando Perez

Email: luisperez07182@gmail.com
GitHub: https://github.com/Amaerlide

Hema Siva Gayathri Dalavayi

Email: gayathri.dhs@gmail.com
GitHub: https://github.com/HEMA-DALAVAYI


Tywanna D Smith

Email: tdsmth20@memphis.edu


Brandon Booth

Email: bmbooth@memphis.edu

Teaching Assistant Advisor

Shaeekh Al Jahan

Email: saljahan@memphis.edu


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