Team: Beyond the Smoke

Semester: Spring 2024 


App description: An app designed to help smokers reduce cravings via VR cue exposure therapy, where smokers can be immersed in scenarios that trigger smoking cravings while in a safe space during therapy sessions to practice smoking cessation.

Github: (Private -- contact the sponsor to request access)

Student team

Kaelon Townsend

Email: kaelontownsend@gmail.com
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaelon-townsend-ab173924a/

Kylan A Plunk

Email: kylanplunk@gmail.com
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kylan-plunk-206393271

Dalton James Mann

Email: daltonjamann@gmail.com
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dalton-mann-998737297/

Alex Kristopher Do

Email: alexkdo03@gmail.com
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dokralex


Dana George El Hajj

Email: dgelhajj@memphis.edu


Brandon Booth

Email: bmbooth@memphis.edu

Teaching Assistant Advisor

Shaeekh Al Jahan

Email: saljahan@memphis.edu


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