Team: 10q Tigers

2nd Second Place Student's Choice Award

Semester: Spring 2024 


App description: An app enabling UofM students, faculty, and staff to send their appreciation to others on campus for good deeds, extra effort, or other things that are appreciated.

Github: (Private -- contact sponsor to request access)

Student team

Danny Quoc Nguyen

Email: datnguyenquoc152@gmail.com
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danny-nguyen-693b4a1b9/

Naimah Safiyyah Muhammad

Email: naimahmuhammad07@gmail.com
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/naimah-muhammad-5a9066237/

Alan Lin Ren

Email: alanlin786@gmail.com
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-ren-9baa87221/

Vivian Marie Ly

Email: viv.ly.2803@gmail.com
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vivian-ly/

Jeremy Montae Flagg

Email: jeremyflagg12@gmail.com
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-flagg-849a14286/


Leah Windsor

Email: lcwells@memphis.edu


Brandon Booth

Email: bmbooth@memphis.edu

Teaching Assistant Advisor

Shaeekh Al Jahan

Email: saljahan@memphis.edu


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