Graduate Syllabi
Recent syllabi for our graduate courses are listed below. Official course descriptions can be found in the University's Graduate Catalog. For information about our graduate programs, please see the Programs section.
Note that students are required to bring laptops to class in COMP 4/6030, COMP 7/8012, and COMP 7/8085.
- COMP 6001 - Introduction to Python Programming (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6019 (formerly 6992) - Competitive Programming and Technical Interviews (Graduate) (1)
- COMP 6030 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6040 - Programming Languages (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6118 - Introduction to Data Mining (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6151 (formerly 6993) - Introduction to Data Science (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6270 - Operating Systems (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6272 - System Administration and UNIX Programming (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6302 - Web Services and the Internet (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6310 - Wireless and Mobile Computing (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6410 - Computer Security (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6420 (formerly 6920) - Network and Mobile Security (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6430 (formerly 6930) - Digital Forensics (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6432 - Secure Coding and Testing (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6480 (formerly 6992) - Introduction to Natural Language Processing (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6517 - Intro to Human-Computer Interaction (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6601 - Models of Computation (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6720 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6731 - Data Visualization (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6741 - Introduction to Neural Networks (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 6745 - Introduction to Machine Learning (Graduate) (3)
- COMP 7012/8012 - Foundations of Software Engineering (3)
- COMP 7085/8085 - Program Comprehension (3)
- COMP 7087/8087 - Topics in Software Engineering (3)
- COMP 7115/8115 - Database Systems (3)
- COMP 7116/8116 - Advanced Database Systems (3)
- COMP 7117/8117 - Topics in Database Management Systems (3)
- COMP 7118/8118 - Topics in Data Mining (3)
- COMP 7120/8120 - Cryptography and Data Security (3)
- COMP 7125/8125 - Computer Forensics (3)
- COMP 7130/8130 - Information Retrieval and Web Search (3)
- COMP 7150/8150 - Fundamentals of Data Science (3)
- COMP 7212/8212 - Operating and Distributed Systems (3)
- COMP 7282/8282 - Evolutionary Computation (3)
- COMP 7295/8295 - Algorithms in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (3)
- COMP 7311/8311 - Advanced Computer Networks (3)
- COMP 7327/8327 - Network and Internet Security (3)
- COMP 7514/8514 - Cognitive Science Seminar (3)
- COMP 7517/8517 - Human Computer Interaction (3)
- COMP 7612/8612 - Foundations of Computing (3)
- COMP 7613/8613 - Computational Complexity (3)
- COMP 7712/8712 - Algorithms and Problem Solving (3)
- COMP 7713/8713 - Advanced Topics in Algorithms (3)
- COMP 7720/8720 - Artificial Intelligence (3)
- COMP 7740/8740 - Neural Networks (3)
- COMP 7745/8745 - Machine Learning (3)
- COMP 7747/8747 - Advanced Topics in Machine Learning (3)
- COMP 7780/8780 - Natural Language Processing (3)
- COMP 7900/8900 - Cyber Ethics (3)
- COMP 7991/8991 - Big Data Computing (3)
- COMP 7998/8998 - Security/Privacy in Cloud and Internet of Things (3)
- COMP 7999/8999 - Computer Science Education Research (3)