Student and Alumni Spotlights


Spring 2023 Capstone Project: Youdle
As their undergraduate capstone project in Spring 2023, students Blan Cancino, Thomas Cazort, Jason Dotson, and Brandon Hobson worked on improving businesses' capability to use Memphis company Youdle's platform.

Student Spotlight: Walt Williams
An undergraduate student in the UofM Computer Science program, Walt Williams has been accepted into Google’s Computer Science Research Mentorship program and will also be a Research Scientist Intern at Adobe Research over Summer 2022.

Student Spotlight: Subash Poudyal
Subash Poudyal is a doctoral candidate working with Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta on cybersecurity issues.

Student Spotlight: Ryan Wickman
Ryan Wickman is a senior in the undergraduate computer science program, where he has maintained excellent grades in addition to being involved in various internship and extracurricular activities.

Student Spotlight: Marshal Hayes
Marshal Hayes is currently a junior in the U of M’s computer science program. He has a strong interest in machine learning research, particularly deep learning and computer vision.

Student Spotlight: Kareem Dasilva
Undergraduate Kareem Dasilva is an entrepreneur who is active in professional organizations.

Student Spotlight: Austin Henley
PhD student Austin Henley will be interning at Microsoft Research in Redmond, WA this summer with the Tools for Software Engineers team.

Undergraduate Student Success in Cyber Security Research
The Center for Information Assurance (CfIA) at the University of Memphis, under the leadership of Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta, is at the forefront of cyber security research, education, and outreach in the state of Tennessee and the Mid-South region.

Student Spotlight: Herve Aniglo
Undergraduate student Herve Aniglo did volunteer work in Costa Rica over December 2015.

Student Spotlight: Md Mahbubur Rahman
PhD student Md Mahbubur Rahman has accepted a research position at Nokia's Digital Health Lab.

Student Spotlight: Mustafa Hajeer
PhD student Mustafa Hajeer interned at Intel Corp. over Summer 2015 and is continuing to work there over the fall and spring.


Alumni Spotlight: Sajib Sen
Alumnus Sajib Sen (MS 2020) started working for Intel Corporation as a software engineer from Fall 2022.  Sajib has a strong interest in software engineering and data-driven cybersecurity, and he contributed to the scientific community with his research while at the UofM.

Alumni Spotlight: Rajendra Banjade
Rajendra Banjade (PhD 2017, MS 2014) is a senior data scientist at Audible (Amazon) in New Jersey, where he uses his background in natural language processing to improve recommendation algorithms.

Alumni Spotlight: Harkeerat Bedi
Harkeerat Bedi is a principal research scientist at Verizon Digital Media Services (VDMS). He is the technical lead of the Research Team that focuses on the Edgecast CDN (content delivery network), which powers Verizon's content delivery infrastructure.

Alumni Spotlight: Sidney D'Mello
Sidney D'Mello, a PhD graduate from 2009, is now an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Alumni Spotlight: Vivek Shandilya
Vivek Shandilya, a PhD graduate from Fall 2015, has accepted a tenure track assistant professor position in the Department of Computer Science at Jacksonville University in Florida.

Alumni Spotlight: Ernest McCracken
Ernest McCracken graduated with his BS in 2009 and MS in 2012, and is currently a front-end Web developer for IBM.

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