Office of Crisis Management

The Office of Crisis Management is responsible for developing and implementing programs and projects in emergency planning, training, response, and recovery. Our mission is to promote campus disaster planning, mitigation, response, and recovery. Included in this site are guidelines for what to do in case of various emergencies or disasters.

In addition to the emergency preparedness information contained on this Web site, you will find links to many other Web sites pertaining to emergency preparedness. In accordance with Federal, State, local, and UofM Policy 1532, the University of Memphis has established a comprehensive emergency and disaster preparedness program to protect its people, resources, and environment.


Departmental Information

Mailing Address:
505 Zach Curlin Garage
Memphis, TN 38152

Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 901.678.3692  |  E-mail: be_prepared@memphis.edu

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