header image with 2 photos: advisor meeting with 2 students in VRC; ROTC members with flags at Commencement Ceremony

Military Transcripts

Formal and informal learning experiences that have resulted from worksite training and experience, professional organizations, community work and unique life experiences can be converted to Experiential Learning Credit. Military experience is one form of experiential learning credit, and every member of all branches of the military has a transcript which equates this life experience to college course credit. 

Military connected students will need to complete three steps in order to get started with the JST/CCAF Transcript Opportunity:

1. Meet with Academic Advisor to determine if ELC will be applicable to the degree.
2. If Academic Advisor agrees that ELC will be applicable to the degree, contact ELC via email (click here to begin email) with your full name (as it appears on your JST/CCAF transcript) and University of Memphis U number. 
3. Once a formal evaluation of the military transcript has been completed, the ELC Coordinator will notify student via student's UofM email concerning credit awarded.

How do I find my Military Transcript?

Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard transcripts are called Joint Services Transcripts (JST). Access your JST at https://jst.doded.mil

Air Force transcripts come from the Community College of the Air Force. Access your CCAF transcript at airuniversity.af.edu/Barnes/CCAF/ 

We suggest printing a copy of your transcript as well for your personal records. 

Student Testimonials

“I had the opportunity to utilize my Joint Services Transcripts credits to help me push my graduation date earlier. I was able to use the training provided from the military as my credit hours. This helped me save money and prevented me from taking classes that were equivalent to some of my military training.”
– Marquel E. 

“Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) has saved me at least an entire semester’s worth of classes based on my Navy experience. PLA took a weight off of my shoulders both financially and academically. Being a stay-at- home father with a deployed active duty Navy wife, it has saved me in ways in which I cannot describe.” 
– Brian A. 

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