Design, Create and Collaborate

Curriculum in these concentrations will foster creative expression in all aspects of the design process. The program is structured to challenge and inspire students by incorporating artistic, technical, and theoretical elements into a realistic approach. Students pursuing these studies will obtain extensive knowledge to successfully gain employment within their field.

Urban Studies Concentration, (B.P.S.)

This program provides a structure of study for students interested in the origin, evolution, and function of cities and metropolitan areas. Courses have been chosen to allow exploration of multiple perspectives on the dynamics of urban change, the causes of urban problems, and the sources of urban innovation. Special emphasis is given to the physical development of communities, and the interaction of that development with the social, economic, and environmental well being of communities. The curriculum considers theories, ideologies, and practices to support solutions to urban and regional problems and offers students opportunities to engage in addressing local challenges with community partners. This course of study prepares students for pursuit of a professional master's degree in a related discipline (e.g., City Planning, Public Policy, Public Administration, etc.)

Music & Entertainment (Lambuth Campus Only), (B.P.S)

Offered only at the Lambuth campus, the Music and Entertainment (ME) degree is an interdisciplinary program fusing three areas of study: music, business, and technology. This concentration will provide students an understanding of fundamentals in commercial music and will provide them the knowledge to gain employment in the entertainment field.

Design Your Own Degree

Our Design Your Own Degree program allow students to customize an interdisciplinary course of study as either a liberal studies degree or professional studies degree. Students can choose from campus and online courses to complete a coordinated study.

Liberal Studies, (Accelerated B.L.S./M.A.L.S.)

The Accelerated Bachelor of Liberal Studies to Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) program provides an opportunity for high quality, academically engaged students to complete a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in five years as opposed to the traditional trajectory of six years.

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Admission to the Program

Undergraduate students admitted to University of Memphis may pursue a degree in the College of Professional and Liberal Studies by completing Declaration of Major form.

Once accepted, students must seek academic advising prior to the start of each semester. Advisors will provide guidance in developing a meaningful educational plan that is compatible with the student's abilities, values, interests and career goals. Academic advising is available in-person, by phone and web conference. 

Fees and Scholarships

Students are encouraged to visit University and Student Business Services regularly to review fee charts, deadlines and other important details as they are subject to change. 

The College of Professional and Liberal Studies offers several scholarships for students meeting the stated requirements. Students may apply for scholarships through Tiger Scholarship Manager.

Degree Requirements

Students in the Urban Services concentration will select from a set of courses to form a coordinated plan of study. Requirements for this program include general education, core requirements, thematic studies, senior project and general electives. Students should seek guidance from their advisor every semester and follow the assigned degree plan.  A minor may be pursued with this degree through the submission of a completed minor application. Approval must be granted from the graduation analyst of the minor they are seeking as well as the College of Professional and Liberal Studies graduation analyst. 

Thematic Studies

Thematic studies focus on significant themes in social, political, and religious history. All College of Professional and Liberal Studies students must complete 6 credit hours of thematic studies courses. These courses are offered on campus and online in many interdisciplinary topics.

Prior Learning Assessment

Students who wish to accelerate the completion of their degree may be eligible to earn credit through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) which includes credit earned by CLEP or DSST standardized exams, Experiential Learning Credit, or departmental credit by examination.

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File for Graduation

Undergraduate students who are within two semesters of graduation should review the required process to file for graduation. All parts must be completed by the posted deadline. 

Career Development

Students interested in learning more about career options in Urban Services should review information and set an appointment to meet with a Career Specialist in our Career Services Office.

Local and National Organizations

Urban Institute - Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center
Music Business Association

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