Envision, Discover, and Collaborate!

The College of Professional and Liberal Studies is extremely proud of our Doctor of Liberal Studies (DLS) and the high level of research they are producing.  Since 2018, our DLS students have given more than fourteen conference presentations, published at least ten articles in peer-reviewed journals (including award winning work), and have at least an equal number of other publications including book chapters and work in conference proceedings.

DLS students are producing work on many varied subjects.  Because of the unique structure of the DLS program at the University of Memphis, there is potential for students to work not only on subjects within the Humanities, but also across the breadth of academic disciplines.  By developing relationships with professors across campus, doctoral students in the College of Professional and Liberal Studies have established themselves as some of the most creative and innovative students on campus.

Completed and in-progress Dissertations include: 

  • A study of discrimination against Roma in modern Athens using personal interviews and insights from critical theory
  • The effects of a homeowner preparation course on understanding homeownership in urban Memphis
  • An examination of Southern Gothic literature as a means of understanding the tension between Christian thought and critical theory
  • Survey and policy analysis of maternal health and family planning knowledge and access among Tennessee’s refugee population
  • A study of the popularity and influence of women’s writings in colonial British America and the early United States.
  • An examination of the Mothers’ Board in three African-American denominations >and how this organization has undergirded their churches
  • How using gender-preferred language in solicitation materials can better connect with readers and influence donation decisions
  • The influence, practical effects, and ethics of the Native American Graves and Repatriation Act
  • The culture of the Blues in creative non-fiction and photography
  • How Trauma-Informed Education can curb the School-to-Prison Pipeline
  • Community development through elementary school sports non-profits in Brazil
  • Whether culturally competent college counseling can close the gap between the potential and achievement of Black students who attend private schools in the Mid-South
Dr. Vivian Morgan

Dr. Vivian Morgan

Although activism has always been an integral component of my life, it was the MALS and DLS programs that awakened my passion for international human rights. My dissertation title was “Dika Saouvre (In Plain Sight): A Case Study of Romani Marginalization in Modern Athens.” Since earning my DLS degree, I have relocated to Setubal, Portugal where I will use my scholarship and activism to continue to fight for the human and civil rights of the Romani and other marginalized people across the globe.”

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