Community Engagement

College of Professional & Liberal Studies supports educational initiatives through several grant-funded programs and collaborations with partnering institutions. These initiatives ensure our department is able to provide the best education and experience for students at the University of Memphis.

All Kids Academy

The University of Memphis and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center completed a recent collaboration to provide specialized schooling to hospitalized children. Sandy Guntharp, UofM Assistant Clinical Professor in Child Development and Family Studies, provided expertise in this unique partnership with Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. All Kids Academy will provide a great opportunity for students in the child development and family studies program to meet the learning needs of these children. 

ACE Awareness Training

ACE Awareness Training for Childcare Providers is a grant funded by the Urban Child Institute. The grant focuses on recruiting childcare facilities from zip codes where there is a high percentage of children living below the federal poverty level. ACE Awareness Training provides workshops and coaching for social and emotional development in young children ages 0-4. Participants also benefit from an interdisciplinary course that focuses on the concepts of ACE awareness with a focus on social and emotional development.


LENA is a grant through Seeding Success, a partnership that represents organizations that are committed to fearlessly pursuing educational outcomes for children. The LENA Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity based in Boulder, Colorado. Its mission is to accelerate language development to improve the cognitive, social, and emotional health of children 0-5 and to close achievement gaps.

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