Wellness Resources
Please note that these links are provided as a resource and for informational purposes and are not endorsed by the University of Memphis in any way.
Safe Space
On-demand free resources and tools to provide you with some extra support in an emotionally safe environment.If you are looking for distraction, connection, or coping this is the place for you.
Covid-19 SupportResources for anxiety and your mental health in relation to Covid-19 Resources page with helpful tips and strategies to help those struggling in relation to Covid-19. |
Wellness Videos
Live Wellness YouTube ChannelVisit our channel for a variety of virtual workshops and practices about living wellness! WorkshopsMindfulness - Learn what it means to be present in the moment, find ways to manage unwanted thoughts, and incorporating mindfulness practice into your daily life. Healthy You - It can be tough to be healthy and find balance in college. Come learn wellness tips and tricks to be the best healthy you! Stress Management 101 - Are you feeling stressed out? you out? Do you need a break? Get your "degree" in stress management for free! Conflict and Convos - Communication does not always go smoothly. Learn how to be a better communicator even when it's a struggle. Dare to Self Care - Take some time for yourself to address your self-care and well-being! Wellness PracticeBe Where You Are - Managing multiple demands and associated stress. How to Succeed in College - Time management and its relationship with stress management and success. Simple Tips to Manage Stress - Understanding how stress affects us and how to manage it. Trusting Your "Dopeness"- Navigating imposter syndrome and your inner critic
Wellness Audio
Wellness AppsPlease note that these links are provided as a resource and for informational purposes
and are not endorsed by the University of Memphis in any way.
Graduate Students
We understand that graduate students sometimes have significant stressors or challenges during graduate school. Graduates students may discover that the discipline that they are pursuing is not what they expected or in other ways does not feel right or they can sometime feel stuck or unproductive in the thesis or dissertation writing process. Research on stress with the graduate student population does have findings that current graduate students may experience a higher degree of distress than the general population, but also more stress than they may experience in any point in their career. Support for this process can come through individual counseling or various self help resources.
Note: Late stage doctoral students please contact the counseling center for assistance.
Self-Care Tips For Grad Students
You can use these self-care strategies to manage stress, prevent burnout, and feel good in grad school:
Adapted from the University of Arizona
Make sure you cover the basics: sleep, nutrition, exercise, and social time.
They may seem basic, and for many, are the first things to be pushed aside or delayed
in routine. BUT, these are the basic elements of good health and well-rounded living.
Burn-out is common in graduate school and one of the major reasons for leaving a graduate
program. You can prevent and recover from burnout by making sure you're taking good
care of these basics.
Practice positive self-talk.
Grad school is a time when you need to have your own back. Talk to yourself with encouragement
and kindness. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. And whenever you're feeling
behind, inadequate, or overwhelmed, remind yourself of your strengths, what you appreciate
in your life, and your ability to figure things out.
Protect space for the things that make you you.
This of it like this: one body, one you, one calendar. That means that school has
to share space in your calendar with the other aspects of your life. If you're not
sure what it is that makes you you, reflect on the major areas of life and what they
mean to you: house and home; relationships and community; earning and spending; time
and schedule; mind and spirit; school,work and service; and self-expression and growth.
How well are these areas thriving? What do you need to make space for to feel more
like your fullest self?
Ask for help.
During grad school, it can feel like you're supposed to know everything and keep it
all together easily. And it can seem like everyone else around you is doing it. For
many students, this can make the idea of asking for help scary. Whether you have a
question about your work, need to delegate work or school tasks, or need support in
taking care of something in your life outside of school, asking for support can help
you regain bring order to chaos and prevent yourself from burning out.
Build a community of people who lift each other up.
Find your people! Surround yourself with people who get what you're doing and why
you're here and offer you support through the process. Find like-minded students,
identify mentors, and find your spot off-campus. And when you get together, try to
reserve at least some time to talk about something other than work.
Graduate Student Support Group
A support group for graduate students for the Fall 2022 semester to assist in processing the demands and pressures of graduate school and other external factors. Check out our group counseling page to learn more.
Graduate Student Association Webinars
Thriving in Graduate Programs during a Pandemic
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
Self Care for Graduate Students
Preventing Dissertation Burnout
Tiger Shared Happiness Inquiry (TSHI)
Happiness can be defined in so many ways. From feelings of joy to life satisfaction, everyone describes their happiness or moments of happy differently. We would like to start thinking of happiness as something we can experience and share with others. When a Tiger is down, another Tiger can help even with just a few words. The Tiger Shared Happiness Inquiry (TSHI) allows us to see where you are with your own happiness and gives the opportunity for you to share some happiness with a fellow Tiger. Use the link below to provide your anonymous answers!
If you are interested in learning about future events from the Student Health and Counseling Services, you can also add your email in the survey to get on out event notification list!