Show your Tiger Pride with UofM Emojis.

These emoji stickers can be shared easily in text messages or social media*!

To use: Open this page in your mobile device (bookmark it for easy access!). Hold your finger on the image you want to use and select "copy" when prompted. Switch to your messaging app, tap the text field and select "paste." You can also save them in your camera roll and send from there.

*Appears like a "sticker" in Facebook or Twitter. Not supported in Instagram.

Pouncer Pouncer Thumbs Up Pouncer Heart Eyes Pouncer Laugh Cry
Administration Building Legacy UofM Fountain Clock Tower
Train Blue Book Blue Suede Shoes Blue Checkered Pants
Graduation Cap Backpack coffee cup Blue Donut
UofM Pillar Logo Leaping Tiger Athletic Logo Liberty Bowl Stadium FedExForum
Tiger Football Tiger Basketball Tiger Baseball Tiger Tennis
softball Tiger Soccer Tiger Volleyball golf ball
football helmet Pom Poms foam finger Tailgate Tent
Tiger Bronze Tiger Memphis Bridge Pyramid
I Love Memphis Blue Guitar Music Notes Laptop
desk Blue Line Bus umbrella paw print

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