Trademark Requests

If your division, college or school is interested in having content trademarked, please follow these steps:

  • Submit a request for trademark consideration to logo@memphis.edu
  • Please include a  jpeg of your mark, explain how it is used, provide a description of the mark and provide an example of where it has been used
  • Request is reviewed and feedback will be provided by the Vice President of External Relations or designee
  • Request is sent to the Office of Legal Counsel for review
  • The Office of Legal Counsel will examine the request to determine feasibility
  • If feasible, paperwork for a State trademark is filed
  • Certificate of State trademark is received
  • A confirmation email and notice of Federal Trademark filing is sent to the contact
  • Federal trademark process begins (approximately 6 months)
  • Confirmation email confirming the Federal trademark concludes the process

Please contact logo@memphis.edu if you have additional questions or concerns.