UofM Stationery


Official letterhead is available for use by University faculty and staff ONLY for official business purposes. Official letterhead features a watermark.

Official letterhead is available in 4 designs (Pillar (preferred), Faculty, Athletics and Lambuth) on watermarked stock from Tiger Copy and Graphics. Faculty may choose to use the preferred version of the letterhead if they would like. Those on staff should only use the preferred version. Only individuals working in athletics may use the athletic version of the letterhead.

Note: Letterhead contact information must be generalized to reflect an office, school, department, etc.; NOT an individual person. Individual contact information is restricted to business cards only. The only URL permitted on standard UofM letterhead is the University's homepage, www.memphis.edu.

All business stationery content is subject to approval by the Office of Marketing and Communication.

Unofficial electronic letterhead is no longer available for download due to security purposes. Please be cautious and look for the watermark that should be present on all official communication.

To order letterhead, contact Tiger Copy & Graphics at tigercopygraphics@memphis.edu or 901.678.2838.


The envelope is available in four designs (Preferred, Faculty, Athletics and Lambuth) from Tiger Copy and Graphics. They may be reached ext. 2838 or tigercopygraphics@memphis.edu

Note: Envelope contact information must be generalized to reflect an office, school, department, etc.; NOT an individual person. Individual contact information is restricted to business cards only.

All business stationery content is subject to approval by the Office of Marketing and Communication.

Faculty may choose to use the preferred version of the envelope if they would like. Those on staff should only use the preferred version. Only individuals working in athletics should use the athletic version of the envelope.

Preferred Envelope

Pillar Envelope

Faculty Envelope

faculty envelope

Athletics Envelope

athletics envelope

Lambuth Envelope

lambuth envelope

Agenda Shell

Click to download these agenda templates as an inDesign or PDF file to easily type and print. (both options included in the same folder)

Agenda 1Agenda 2

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