Retirement Reception Invitations and Programs

When planning an employee's retirement reception, these are the preferred templates for invitations (printed and electronic) and programs.


  • Click image to download editable InDesign files. If you are not comfortable in this software to make the edits in-house, you have two options:
    • For printed invitations and programs, send the files to Tiger Copy & Graphics along with the elements you need to replace the filler copy/images.
    • Contact your marketing manager to open any of these jobs with our designers. Allow at least 2-4 weeks lead time.
  • If incorporating a photo, it should be an official UofM headshot or other quality, high-resolution image appropriate for the occasion. Do not pull images from websites as they will not be high-resolution for printing purposes. If a photo needs to be arranged with the University photographer, please contact your marketing manager.
  • Remember to add your copy to the body of an email, underneath the image, to create an accessible email.

Retirement Reception Invitations (printed and electronic)

Click here to download zipped file for retirement reception invitations >


Retirement Reception Program (with image)

Click here to download zipped file for retirement reception program (with image) >

program 1       program2

Retirement Reception Program (no image)

Click here to download zipped file for retirement reception program (no image) >

program NI 1       no image2

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