Place Cards and Table Tents 

Place Cards

Click image to download an editable Word Document template. 

Place cards are formatted for Avery Place Cards, 6 per sheet, compatible products: 80504, 16109, 5011.

UofM Brand Place Card 
*Note: The font "Bitter" will need to be downloaded before using template. Download Brand Place Card >>

place card brand

Standard Place Card
*Note: This place card does not require a font download. 


Formal Place Card 
*Note: The font "Amperzand" will need to be downloaded before using template. Download Formal Place Card >> 


Table Tents

Click image to download an editable Word Document template.
*The font for the Brand and Formal versions, the fonts "Bitter" (Brand) or "Amperzand" (Formal) will need to be downloaded before using template. Bitter downloadAmperzand download. 

Medium table tents are formatted using Avery Medium Tent Card, 2 per sheet, compatible products: 5305.
Large table tents are formatted using Avery Large Tent Card, 1 per sheet, compatible products: 5309.


UofM Lambuth
tabletent double tabletent lambuth


Medium Large
brand med tabletent brand


Medium Large
standard med standard large


Medium Large
formal med formal large

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