
Permanent Nametags

Below are the the preferred designs for permanent nametags. You or your vendor may click to download the Adobe Illustrator files to edit for production. Please have all permanent nametags printed on a brushed silver background. Please send final proofs to logo@memphis.edu for approval before production. 

permanent nametag 2


Lambuth Nametags

Lambuth option 2


Printable Nametags

Download these printable nametags and print them right from your own computer from an Avery nametag template. Compatible Avery products: 15395, 25395, 42395, 45395, 48395, 5395, 8395, 88395, 85395.

Click image to download. All three variations are included in the same PDF.

nametag 1nametag 2

nametag 3


Lambuth Nametags

lambuth nametag 1lambuth nametag 2

lambuth nametag 3

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