Business Cards

The business card should be considered a contact reference only. In order to project our branded image, take care to include only necessary information. Credentials appearing after a name are to be limited to one line. Business cards must be ordered only through Tiger Copy and Graphics.

We have 8 versions of business cards. The preferred business card (vertical and horizontal) utilizes the two-color logo, while the alternate card (vertical and horizontal) uses the secondary logo, which is reserved for Faculty only. Athletics and Lambuth also have vertical and horizontal options and are reserved for use only by individuals representing those specific areas.

In addition, we have an alternate, full-bleed back that is allowed on any card. Using the full-bleed back will increase the cost of the business cards, and Tiger Copy and Graphics (ext. 2838) can give you a cost estimate when you place an order. 

All business stationery content is subject to approval by the Office of Marketing and Communication.

Copy and/or graphics, outside the full-bleed UofM, are not allowed on the back of any business cards.

Faculty may choose to use the preferred version of the business card if they would like. Those on staff should only use the preferred version. Only individuals working in athletics should use the athletic version of the business card.

Preferred Business Card

Vertical Preferred






Alternate/Faculty Business Card

Vertical Faculty

Horizontal Faculty





Athletics Business Card

Vertical Athletics

Vertical Athletics





Lambuth Business Card

Vertical LambuthHorizontal Lambuth





Optional Full-Bleed Back

full bleed back

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