Photo and Video Resources

Our staff videographer and photographer are available by appointment only, and bookings must be coordinated through your marketing manager.

Their services are reserved for marketing collateral and initiatives being produced or managed in conjunction with the Department of Marketing and Communication and for high profile events featuring our President, Provost or a local/national dignitary. The availability to cover an event is also at the discretion of the Executive Vice President for University Relations.

To request photography or videography, please contact mktgrequest@memphis.edu with details of your needs. Please allow reasonable notice (not less than 14 days) to assist in scheduling and preparation for your request. Late requests may result in the videographer and photographer not being available.

For other events, Marketing and Communication has three “loaner” digital SLR cameras for use by faculty and staff at University events only. To borrow a camera, please contact marketing@memphis.edu or 901.678.2843 for details and availability. These cameras are available on a first-come, first-served basis and must be returned to us fully charged and in proper working condition.

Although the University partner has first rights to the images, all original images remain the property of the University of Memphis.

Faculty and Staff Headshots

Professional headshots are available at no charge for current faculty and staff, to be used in connection with the University of Memphis, only.

The following headshot dates for the 2025 Spring semester will be held in the Administration Building (119A) with University Photographer Wendy Adams:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 14
  • Tuesday, Feb. 11
  • Tuesday, March 18
  • Wednesday, April 16
  • Wednesday, April 30

Sign up for a timeslot using this link.

The headshot process includes the photography session, an individual web gallery for selection of one final preferred image, retouching and digital delivery of one final image. If there is any question about scheduling a headshot or how they can be used, please consult with your marketing manager.

Final headshots are located in the Marketing & Communications Photo Gallery.  If your headshot is used for a Faculty/Staff listing on your area's website, it is your responsibility to provide/share it with your web point person. Final versions are provided in three different crops: vertical, horizontal and square.

Wardrobe Instructions
Clothing should be neatly pressed, look new, and fit well (not wrinkled or gaping around your neck, arms, etc.). Solid colors photograph best; avoid busy patterns. Fine patterns in a dress shirt or blouse would work well, though. Colors to avoid include orange, red, maroon, yellow, and neon/fluorescent colors. Avoid low-cut or sleeveless clothing. Keep jewelry simple. If you are uncertain about any of your wardrobe choices, bring alternative items with you.

Photo and Video Archive

If you are looking for specific UofM videos or would like to access any of our public photos for your use (in connection with the University of Memphis only), please use one of the resources below.


What is Photoshelter?

It houses the University’s collection of images depicting academic and campus life. The account is managed by the External Marketing and Communications. The images are available for use by faculty and staff for presentations, website, digital needs, flyers and more. You will need to be given access to your specific college or content needs from your Marketing Manager.

How do I access Photoshelter?
To get started click on the link: UofMphoto

New Users will need to create a login using your UofM credentials.

Once logged in, photos can be downloaded from your specific college or event galleries. For access to a gallery a request can be sent to your Marketing Manager.
Students do not have access to PhotoShelter.

Photo Organization

Browsing and Searching the Galleries


Files in Photoshelter will include a description as well as keywords, both of which are searchable.
Browse gallery files by clicking through the menu on the left side of the screen. Search the gallery by clicking search top navigation entering search terms in the search box. You can search for terms and refine results by file type, orientation, date and more.


To download an image, click the download button in the bottom right of the screen. If you already have permission to download the image, you’ll be allowed to download.
• Choose ‘Original file’ or the ‘JPEG - original size’ if you plan to use the photo for a print project.
• Choose one of the smaller JPEG options if you’re using it digitally.

If you don’t already have access to download a photo, a pop-up window will appear. Click ‘contact us’ and you’ll be prompted to fill out a request form. Please include how you plan to use the photo in the notes. Once the download is approved, you’ll be sent a link to download the photo(s).
Users that have access to download from a gallery can choose to download multiple photos at a time by clicking the download icon from the gallery view. A pop-up window will appear giving you the option to select the photos you would like to download.

Crediting on PhotoShelter

If an external group such as a news outlet is using an image(s) from the PhotoShelter gallery, crediting the photo is required. Credit can be attributed as: University of Memphis/Insert photographer’s name or simply University of Memphis if a photographer’s name is not listed.

Photo/Video Release Form

If you are taking photos or videos at a public event, a model release form is generally not required. If you are staging photos or a video for a project, it is a good idea to have your models sign this Photo/Video Release form you can keep on file.

Marketing and Communication receives many requests to film farewell, tribute and retirement receptions. While every retirement celebration is a special occasion, we are a large campus, and staffing limitations make it impossible to film each event. Unfortunately, we can grant these requests only for University deans or members of the President's Council.

Filming or Taking Photos On Campus

Approval to film or photograph on University of Memphis property is required for internal and external parties. Please complete this form and email it to logo@memphis.edu a minimum of 10 days before the requested filming date. You will be contacted within two business days after receipt. Completion of this form does not guarantee approval of the use of University property for filming or photography.

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