Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it important to follow the University brand standards?

A: Brand standards, applied correctly and consistently, enable us to project a strong, consistent identity for the University of Memphis and help to prevent confusion among our audiences. Proper use of the University's official signatures (logo, secondary logo and seal) is an important part of the branding process, enhancing our image as a quality educational institution.

Q: Where can I download the logos?

A: Logos are available by request only. Do not scan logos from other reproductions or download them from other web sites. Reproduction quality will suffer if you do. Also, remember that it is not acceptable to "build" the logo on your computer. To request a logo for official use, contact Creative Services at logo@memphis.edu.

Q: I'm having trouble downloading a templae from the site. Why won't it work?

A: Because the University has a wide variety of computers and software programs, some people may have difficulty. Some computers and software programs are simply outdated and not capable of receiving high-resolution files. If you experience difficulty, please consult Creative Services at logo@memphis.edu. While a number of people still may have difficulty downloading files that will reproduce adequately, remember, it is incumbent upon everyone to be sure any document they produce projects the University's image with quality.

Q: I'm in a hurry. Why can't I just recreate the logo? Why do I have to get the proper file from the Creative Services team?

A: Recreating the logo will not reproduce the logo accurately. The logo is created from characters designed specifically for the UofM, so there is no possibility that an accurate copy can be recreated. The characters have specific spatial relationships and alignment. Simply selecting a similar font, eyeballing it and then reproducing it will invariably produce differences that may be minor, but will detract from the design and its branding capability. Recreating the logo also takes time that might be used more productively. In addition, using a logo that you found online likely will not be the correct size for your project. Logos are no longer available to download on our website due to security purposes, as well as ensuring that our brand is not harmed through misuse.

Q: What has happened to the seal of the University?

A: The seal was changed to give the University a unique mark that better reflects the University of Memphis. The new seal is made up of five elements: the logo, the University's mace, a laurel wreath, the book of knowledge, and the University's position statement. The mace represents leadership and authority and is a visual embodiment of tradition in academic circles. It is displayed only at formal events attended by faculty and administrators dressed in full academic regalia. The book of knowledge displays the Roman numerals "MCMXII" for 1912, the year of the University's founding. The inscription "Imaginari Cogitare Facere," Latin for "Dreamers Thinkers Doers," represents who we are, what our faculty is known for being, and who our students become.

Q: May I use the University's seal?

A: The seal may only be used on official University documents, such as diplomas, transcripts, major report covers, certificates, contracts, formal invitations and engraved note cards. It may never be used as a substitute for the University of Memphis logo. Permission to use the seal must be granted by Marketing and Communications. To request permission, contact logo@memphis.edu. Once permission has been granted, proper reproduction files or materials will be made available. Do not scan the seal from old documents. It often results in poor quality reproduction.

Q: Can our department have its own logo?

A: The UofM logo with your department's name underneath is your department's logo. Contact Creative Services at logo@memphis.edu to request your logo. This logo should be used on official stationery and other items as shown in the Brand Standards Manual. In the case of a few programs that have symbols already branded with the audience, permission may be granted to use the proprietary logo as a secondary element. Please check with Marketing and Communications before adding additional elements or changing your department identity.

Q: May I use the "mace and laurel" icon by itself?

A: No. The "mace and laurel" icon is intrinsic to the secondary logo and may only appear alongside UofM logo on stationery.

Q: What color is the University of Memphis logo?

A: The official University of Memphis logo colors are Pantone Matching System (PMS) 280, PMS 423, black and reversed out of black or other dark colors. See the Brand Colors section of the Brand Standards Manual for specifics. No other colors are permissible.

Q: How do I change the color of the logo to match my document?

A: You don't. UofM colors are PMS 280, PMS 423, black, or reversed out of a dark color. See the Brand Colors section of the Brand Standards Manual for specifics. No other colors are permissible.

Q: How do I fit all the information I need on a business card?

A: Keep in mind that a business card is designed to be a point of contact, so consider carefully how much information really needs to be on the card. Tiger Copy & Graphics reserves the right to determine what information is placed on a business card.

Q: May I revise the letterhead design?

A: The layout of the letterhead as described in the Brand Standards may not be redesigned.

Q: When I'm typing a letter or memo, do I have to use an official brand font, or can I use Times Roman, Garamond, or another typeface?

A: The suggested typefaces are for documents intended for external use to aid in the branding effort. But you are not bound to use any particular typeface for the body text. The above typefaces are suggested in order to maximize readability, but other standard fonts may also be used. Please avoid using cute or trendy fonts such as Comic Sans, Copperplate, script fonts or anything that would not represent the University with dignity.

Q: Do I have to use the trademark or registration marks when using the University's logos and symbols?

A: Yes. All applications of the logo should use the appropriate TM or R marks.

Q: Are there any standards for signs that need to be made for either the interior or exterior of buildings?

A: Yes. If you need a sign made for either the interior or exterior of a building, consult first with Campus Planning and Design via email at bfcpd@memphis.edu. Many signs will need to include the proper logo, and will need to conform to specific governmental requirements. Do not order signage without checking with Campus Planning and Design.

Q: Are there standards for University vehicles or golf carts?

A: Yes. All golf carts and utility vehicles must be registered with and approved by Physical Plant. Golf carts and utility vehicles are approved only for official department or University related business by University employees, student employees and approved volunteers associated with a University department. Golf carts and utility vehicles may not be used for personal use.  Departments must coordinate the purchase or transfer of golf carts and utility vehicles through Procurement Services. The body of the cart/vehicle must be white, and upon receipt, must be branded with approved University logos. For assistance with branding, contact marketing@memphis.edu.

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