Collateral Coding Standards

Certain University collateral material is required to carry a production code and an affirmative action statement. The production code consists of a series of numerals and letters denoting that the piece is a University of Memphis project, and that project's number, the quantity of pieces printed and the identity of the printer. The preferred placement of this code is .125" to .25" from the bottom right edge of the back cover, and it should be typeset in 5 point Formata Bold Condensed.

What is considered printed material for tracking and cost submitting purposes is defined below:

Printed Materials used for communicating university related messages and paid for with State funds including:

  • Magazines
  • Booklets/Reports
  • Newsletters
  • Brochures / pamphlets when page count is greater than one
  • Posters
  • Any items that use a 4 color (or full color) process in bulk orders (200+) including:
    • Postcards
    • Flyers
    • Promotional giveaway items printed on paper products

What is not included is:

  • Any item not paid for with State funds
  • Stationery
  • Academic-/Course-/Instruction-related materials
  • Promotional giveaway items not printed on paper (e.g. T-shirts, plastic items, bags)
  • Electronic productions (e.g. PDF files, web pages, electronic forms, electronic brochures, electronic newsletters, etc.)
  • The cost of shipping and handling is not to be included


Additionally, all collateral is required to carry an affirmative action statement. Placement within the publication is discretionary. The complete text and proper usage criteria of the four approved affirmative action statements are on the affirmative action statements page.

Sample Affirmative Action Statement and Collateral Code

The University of Memphis offers equal opportunity to all persons without regard to race, religion, sex, creed, color, national origin or disability. The University does not discriminate on these bases in recruitment and admission of students or in the operation of its programs and activities, as specified by federal laws and regulations. Designated coordinators for University compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 are the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer. Information in this document will be provided in alternate format upon request. The University of Memphis is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University. It is committed to education of a non-racially identifiable student body.


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