Logo Clearances

To create maximum impact, the primary academic logo requires specific clear space around all sides. This clear space should be free of imagery, graphics, folds or any other element that may interfere with the clarity of the brand.

Clear Space Minimum:The space is measured by the cap height of the letter "T" as indicated below. Minimum reproduction size is 1.25" in length.

logo clearance

Wordmark Spacing: To guarantee consistency, the logo also requires specific spacing between the pillar mark and the accompanying wordmark. This space should be maintained at all sizes and scaled proportionately with the logo. The space is measured by the width of the lowercase letter "o" in the "of" of the wordmark, as indicated below.

clearance from wordmark

Pillar Mark Clear Space Minimum: The space is measured by the height and width of the "of" in the Pillar Mark, as indicated below.


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