Jonathan Bridenbaker is a third-year doctoral student in the Department of Communication
and Film. He serves as a Graduate Instructor for the Communication & Film department.
Jonathan's research concentrates on how technology has fundamentally altered civic
and political practices, from the presence of algorithms in content moderation practices
to the development of online social movements. As technology continuously advances
and changes our perspective of the world, new challenges in this area arise every
day. He draws from several fields of study including rhetoric, philosophy, media studies
to explore these issues.
Jonathan has spent over a decade involved with speech & debate, from competing in
high school to coaching in his masters, which was pivotal in shaping his approach
to pedagogy and research. He believes that the best learning happens in the context
of challenging questions and public controversy, inviting students to challenge their
own assumptions.
P.h.D in Communication Studies from University of Memphis (ongoing)
M.A. in Communication Arts from Valdosta State University
B.A. in Communication Studies & History from the University of Southern Mississippi