Current Graduate Courses

Fall 2024 Grad Course Atlas

Film and Video Production

COMM 6822 - Audio for Film and Video: - Elja Roy, Assistant Professor
T 1:00PM - 4:00PM  

This course is designed primarily for students in film and video production sequences.   Emphasizing practical applications of sound recording techniques, signal processing, structuring, and design, the course requires extensive "hands-on" work. The class will also be discussing various theories dealing with the relationship of sound to image. Class time will be used for demonstrations, exercises and projects, as well as lectures. By the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate:

  • Knowledge of principles and aesthetics of audio, including a working technical vocabulary.
  • Proficiency in basic audio production techniques, including recording, editing, and mixing.
  • The ability to conceptualize and carry out an audio design for a video sequence.
  • A working knowledge of both digital audio production and post-production.
  • A familiarity with theoretical approaches to film sound.


COMM 6824 Cinematography -  David Goodman, Associate Professor 
Wednesdays from 1:00PM - 4:00PM

Art of visual interpretation with concentration in theory, camerawork, and techniques of lighting. Hands on experience with cameras and lighting equipment. PREREQUISITE: COMM 3824 or permission of instructor.
Art of visual interpretation with concentration in theory, camera work, and techniques of lighting. Hands on experience with cameras and lighting equipment.
PREREQUISITE: COMM 3824 or permission of instructor. 

COMM 6970 Screenwriting- TBA
TR 11:20AM - 12:45PM

Writing for fiction film and television. Basic dramatic theory, narrative structure, characterization, dialogue

COMM 7891 – Graduate Film Production – David Goodman, Associate Professor
R 1:00PM - 4:00PM
No experience required. This is open to both FVP and Comm Studies graduate students.

Lecture/studio for film and video production. Students will learn the creative, aesthetic, technical, logistical and interpersonal aspects of fiction and/or nonfiction filmmaking. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor

Communication Studies

COMM 6322 - Persuasion and Influence - Craig Stewart, Professor

Principles underlying communication designed to influence attitudes or behavior; approaches to motivation, perception, message structure, attention, reasoning, audience analysis, persuasibility, and attitude change; items for analysis drawn from speeches, advertising, radio, television, film, and new media.

COMM 6341 - Interpersonal Communication - Tracy Giovannetti, Assistant Professor of Teaching

This course in interpersonal communication emphasizes both communication theory and the experiential application of the course content. The course content will be explored through exercises and discussion designed to develop and/or enhance skills such as: perception, the effective presentation of ideas and emotions, and maintaining healthy relationships. Practical application within the classroom should increase the likelihood of retention and use of the concepts outside of the classroom as part of a life-long process. This life-long process should include growth and movement toward quality-based, confirming interaction with others as well as recognizing circumstances where interpersonal behavior is inappropriate.

COMM 7/8012 - Seminar in Health Communication - Amanda Young, Associate Professor 
This course is designed to introduce you to a wide range of scholarship in health communication. We will begin with a basic introduction to the field of health communication, followed by an examination of communication within the context of various healthcare organizations and situations. Next, we will examine communication within the patient/provider context, followed by a unit on public health. Throughout the course, we will examine a variety of theories and models that address communication in healthcare, as well as ethical issues. We will also examine issues of social justice within the context of healthcare.

COMM 7/8017 - Intro to Grad Studies in COMM - Andre E. Johnson, Professor
R 5:30PM - 8:30PM

This course is designed as an introduction to the norms and expectations of the graduate training in communication. Focusing on the major areas of academic assessment (teaching, research, and service), the course introduces students to various communication sub-fields with a particular emphasis on the department expertise; helps them articulate their teaching philosophy; teaches fundamentals of research such as developing research agenda/finding publication venues; and begins preparations for the academic and non-academic job market. Students will also be introduced to some of the main methodological and theoretical approaches used in the discipline.

COMM 7/8332 - Topics in Comm Methods (Photovoice) - Joy V. Goldsmith, Professor
R 5:30PM - 8:30PM

Research driven by community/shareholder needs has been a dynamic form of inquiry for several decades, drawing from multiple social science traditions, including communication studies. Research driven by shareholder perspectives provides a counter narrative to traditional research agendas generated by the research community. PCORI, engagement scholarship, and other emergent funding mechanisms demonstrate the growing recognition of the power ofshareholder research grounded in the perspectives of its participants. In this course, we explore and practice the research/performance method of Photovoice to better understand a range of social ills. As a practice method based in the production of knowledge, Photovoice commonly includes three main goals: (1) to enable people to record and reflect their community's strengths and concerns, (2) to promote critical dialogue and knowledge about important issues through the discussion of photographs, and (3) to reach policymakers. Students will participate in original photovoice projects examining barriers and pathways to a range of phenomenon guided by participant shareholders and will explore the value of photovoice in participating with co-researchers in communities.

COMM 7/8616 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory - Antonio de Velasco, Associate Professor
Monday, 5:30PM - 8:30PM

What makes a theory of rhetoric – itself a contested term – “contemporary?” Is it merely a question of historical location in an evolving tradition? Or is something more fundamental at stake in the emerging “new rhetorics” of the middle and late twentieth century? This course will take a sustained look at such questions surveying a range of topics and thinkers that central to recent scholarship in rhetoric studies in Communication. Course goals include: understanding the dialectical relationship between rhetoric study in the 20th Century and classical and modern rhetoric study; becoming familiar with the work of Kenneth Burke and Chaïm Perelman; making links between rhetoric, subjectivity, and ideology; situating rhetoric in the context of social and critical theory; and, finally, demonstrating a strong historical and conceptual grasp of the approaches to contemporary rhetorical theory under consideration in the course.

COMM 7/8804 - Seminar in Media Theory/Criticism - Marina Levina, Professor
T 5:30PM - 8:30PM

Advanced survey of theories, approaches, and texts in the field of media studies.  May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours.

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