Assistantships and Awards

Assistantships for PhD Students

The Department of Communication & Film offers a limited number of assistantships for doctoral students each year. To be considered for an assistantship, applications for admission must be received by January 15.

Assistantships are renewable up to four years and include:

  • $18,000 stipend per academic year
  • Tuition remission for the PhD
  • Health insurance

Graduate assistants are typically assigned to teach two sections of COMM 2381 – Oral Communication each semester but may be assigned other courses or a research or service assignment as determined by the Department.

Tuition Assistance for MA Students

The Department offers a limited number of scholarships for MA students.


The Department offers annual awards for excellence in teaching, research, and filmmaking. Each carries a cash prize. Graduate students may also apply or be nominated for awards from the College of Communication and Fine Arts and the University.

Travel Funding

The Department offers up to $1000 in annual travel funds for graduate assistants. Grad students may also apply for travel funds from the UofM Graduate Student Association.

Other Financial Aid

Graduate students may also apply for financial aid through UofM’s Financial Aid office.

Estimated Cost of Attendance

The UofM Financial Aid office provides an estimate of the cost of attendance (including tuition, room/board, books, travel, and other expenses) for graduate students.

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