May 2015 Commencement Speaker

Dr. Scott Morris

Dr. Scott Morris is founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Church Health Center (CHC), which has as its mission to seek to reclaim the Church's biblical commitment to care for our bodies and spirits. The ChurchHealthCenter opened in 1987 to provide primary health care to low-income, uninsured working people of Memphis. The CHC, a health care ministry supported by a broad base of the faith and medical communities, provides care to over 65,000 patients in its Clinic, which now includes primary care, dentistry, optometry, counseling and social work services.

The CHC has also developed its Wellness and Faith Community Outreach ministries where the best disease prevention efforts of medicine are combined with the pastoral and spiritual care of the faith community.

Dr. Morris has an undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia, a Master of Divinity degree from YaleUniversity, and M.D. from EmoryUniversity. He is a board certified family practice physician and an ordained United Methodist minister.

Dr. Morris writes a monthly column for the Memphis Commercial Appeal.

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