

Corina DP, Coffey-Corina S, Pierotti E, Mankel K, Miller LM. (2024). Electrophysiological study of visual processing in children with cochlear implants. Neuropsychologia. 


Mankel, K., Shrestha, U., Tipirneni-Sajja, A., & Bidelman, G. M. (2022). Functional plasticity coupled with structural predispositions in auditory cortex shape successful music category learning. Frontiers in Neuroscience.


Mankel, K., Barber, J., & Bidelman, G. M. (2020). Individual differences in listening skills modulate the auditory categorical processing of speech. NeuroReport.


Mankel, K., Pavlik Jr., P. I., & Bidelman, G. M. (2020). Single-trial neural dynamics influence auditory category learning. bioRxiv [preprint].


Bidelman, G. M., Brown, B., Mankel, K., & Price, C. N. (2019). Psychobiological responses reveal audiovisual noise differentially challenges speech recognition. Ear and Hearing.

Bidelman, G. M., & Mankel, K. (2019). Reply to Schellenberg: Is there more to auditory plasticity than meets the ear? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.


Mankel, K., & Bidelman, G. M. (2018). Inherent auditory skills rather than formal music training shape the neural encoding of speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

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