Undergraduate Program

The department of Criminology and Criminal Justice is located in the College of Arts and Sciences where students may obtain:

  • A major in Criminology and Criminal Justice;
  • A minor in Criminology and Criminal Justice; or
  • University Honors with an emphasis in Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Departmental Honors Program

The Undergraduate Catalog has information about admission requirements, majors, departments, course descriptions, degree planning, and other information. If you would like to see a typical four-year plan, click here.

Apply to the University of Memphis online >

A listing of undergraduate courses in Criminology and Criminal Justice can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog. The structure of the major, minor, and honors degree are also outlined. Please contact the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice if you have other questions about our degree programs.

Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
311 Browning Hall
The University of Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee 38152

(901) 678-2737
(901) 678-5279 (FAX)

The Major

The Major (36 hours)
Completion of 36 semester hours of criminology and criminal justice including CJUS 1100, 1 of 3 (2000 level courses), 3130, 3540 and 4110, plus 21 additional hours in criminology and criminal justice, of which at least 15 hours must be at the upper-division level. Students will be allowed no more that 6 hours of credit toward the degree in non-classroom courses such as internships and individual directed studies.


Electives may be chosen to bring the total number of hours to 120.

Honors Program

Majors who have completed at least 55 hours of coursework (with at least 9 hours in Criminology & Criminal Justice) and have a 3.25 or higher departmental and overall grade point average are invited to apply for admissions to the department's honors program. Students who are admitted must complete 15 hours of honors coursework in the Department, with at least 9 hours being upper division criminal justice courses. Honor students must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.25. Students who complete the program and the regular college requirement will be recognized at the commencement ceremony by having their degrees conferred "With Honors in Criminology and Criminal Justice." The student's diploma and the official record at The University of Memphis will also reflect this accomplishment. Please contact MK Webb at mkwebb@memphis.edu for more information about the Honors Program.

The Minor

Completion of 18 hours in criminal justice courses including CJUS 1100,1 of 3 (2000 level courses), 3540, and 9 additional hours in Criminology and Criminal Justice courses.

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