Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Student Association

The Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice's Student Association (CJSA) allows students to experience opportunities to learn more about the field of criminal justice. The organization is open to any undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in criminology and criminal justice at the University of Memphis. There is a one time fee of $10 to join (cash only) that can be paid by visiting the CJUS Main Office in Browning Hall on the third floor. For more information, contact Mark Williams (mcwillms@memphis.edu).

Like us on Facebook:  University of Memphis CJSA
Follow us on Twitter: @UofMemphisCJSA

The Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice also has a CJSA on the Lambuth campus - the Justice League! For more information, contact the faculty advisor, George Megelsh, at gmmgelsh@memphis.edu.

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