Cochlea sketch in whiteboard


Selected Publications

Warren, S.E., & Atcherson, S.R. (2023). Evaluation of a Clinical Method for Selective Electrode Deactivation in Cochlear Implant Programming. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, section Sensory Neuroscience, 17:1157673, DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1157673.

Sander, K., Warren, S.E., Mendel, L.L. (2023). Selective Electrode Deactivation Attitudes and Practices by Cochlear Implant Audiologists. Cochlear Implants International, 2023 doi: 10.1080/14670100.2023.2166571

Warren, S.E. & Coffelt, J.A. (2023). Electrode Deactivation Based on Pitch-Confused Electrodes. In Sevier, J.D. (Ed.), Complex Cochlear Implant Cases: Management and Troubleshooting, 1st Ed. San Diego: Plural Publishing.

Coffelt, J.A. & Warren, S.E. (2023). Role of Middle Ear Status in Cochlear Implant Programming. In Sevier, J.D. (Ed.), Complex Cochlear Implant Cases: Management and Troubleshooting, 1st Ed. San Diego: Plural Publishing.

Warren, S.E., & Bell, K.B. (2022). Auditory and Non-Auditory Risks Related to Roadway Traffic Noise: An Overview for Audiologists. SIG 8 Perspectives on Issues in Public Health Audiology, doi: 10.1044/2022_PERSP-22-00089

Warren, S.E., & Levy, M. (2021). Public Health Frameworks in Audiology Education: Rationale and Model for Implementation. SIG 8 Perspectives on Issues in Public Health Audiology,6: 1513- 1525. doi.org/10.1044/2021_PERSP-21-00087.

Warren, S.E., Dunbar, M.N., Bosworth, C.L., & Agrawal, S. (2020). Evaluation of a Novel Bimodal Fitting Formula in Advanced Bionics Cochlear Implant Recipients. Cochlear Implants International, 21(6): 323-337. DOI: 10.1080/14670100.2020.1787622.

Messersmith, J.J., Entwisle, L., Warren, S.E., & Scott, M. (2019). Clinical Practice Guidelines: Cochlear Implants. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 30: 827-844.

(Invited) Warren, S.E., & Dunbar, M.N. (2018) Bimodal Hearing in Cochlear Implant Users. Seminars in Hearing, 2018; 39:4, 405-413. DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1670706.

(Invited) Entwisle,L.K., Warren, S.E., Messersmith, J.J. (2018). Cochlear Implantation for Children and Adults with Severe-to-Profound hearing Loss. Seminars in Hearing, 39:4, 390-404. DOI: 10.1055/s-0038- 1670705.

National Practice Guidelines

Messersmith, J., Entwisle, L., Warren, S., Scott, M. (2019). Clinical Practice Guidelines: Cochlear Implants. American Academy of Audiology.

Textbook Chapters

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