Memphis SOUND Resources Page

Provided below are resources available in the Memphis community. The list is not comprehensive. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911. 

Emergency Numbers 

  • Emergency: 911
  • Memphis Police Department: (901) 545-2677
  • Shelby County Sheriff: (901) 545-5500
  • TN Department of Children’s Services- Shelby County Region:
    • Main Number- Memphis Office: (901) 578-4001
    • Report Abuse: (877) 237-0004
  • Shelby County Community Services Agency: (901) 222-4200
  • Emergency Shelter Placement: (901) 529-4522
  • Emergency Housing Hotline: (901) 529-4545
  • Memphis Fair Housing Center: (901) 432-4663
  • Family Safety Center 24-Hour Crisis Line: (901) 249-7611
  • Memphis Community Services HelpLine: (901) 415-2790
  • Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) Emergency Assistance: (901) 527-0226

Crisis Hotline Numbers 

  • Mental Health Hotline: 988
  • Memphis Crisis Center: (901) 274-7477
  • University of Memphis Warm Line: (901) 678-1636


Vocational resources are tools and support systems that help individuals acquire practical skills and training for specific careers or trades, facilitating their entry and success in the workforce.

Food Assistance 

Food assistance refers to the distribution of food or meals to individuals or communities in need, often to alleviate hunger and ensure nutritional security.


Legal assistance for individuals with disabilities aims to protect their rights and ensure equal access to opportunities and services by addressing discrimination, advocating for accommodations, and enforcing relevant laws and regulations.


Free childcare resources in the community include government-funded programs providing affordable or cost-free childcare options for families.

  • Porter-Leath
    • 3400 Prescott Road Memphis, TN 38118
      • Childcare locations throughout Memphis
    • Phone: (901) 577-2500
    • Website: www.porterleath.org
  • Tennessee Department of Human Services- Smart Steps Child Care Assistance Program
    • Phone: 1-833-772-8347
    • Website: https://www.tn.gov/humanservices/for-families/child-care-services/child-care-payment-assistance.html

Healthcare Systems

Healthcare systems in the community provide accessible medical services to residents without requiring them to pay out-of-pocket fees at the point of care, typically funded through taxes or government subsidies.

Hearing Assistance

Hearing assistance involves providing support and resources to individuals with hearing impairments to improve their communication and overall quality of life.


Communication systems for individuals with hearing loss include text-based messaging, video relay services, and assistive technologies, aimed at facilitating effective communication and inclusivity.

Mental Health/Social Work 

Mental health resources encompass a range of services, including therapy, support groups, crisis hotlines, and educational programs, designed to promote emotional well-being and provide assistance to individuals facing mental health challenges.

Additional Resources