Question Prompt List for Patients and Caregivers

Where do I stand with my cancer now?

What is my diagnosis and stage?

Has my cancer spread anywhere?

Is it possible to cure my cancer?

Is it possible that my siblings or children will also get this cancer?

What treatment is right for me?

Why do I need more treatment now if I had/will have surgery?

What might happen if I decide not to have more treatment?

How will this treatment affect other problems I have?

Are there guidelines for treating this kind of cancer?

Are there any other options for people with the kind of cancer I have?

Are there any clinical trials?  Alternative Treatments?

Do you have any other patients on this treatment?  How are they doing?

Can I stop treatment if I want to?

Do I need to decide right away, or can I wait a while?

Where can I find more information about this treatment?

What would keep me from getting a second opinion?

What is chemotherapy?

How is it different from radiation or hormonal treatment?

How will you decide what kind of chemotherapy to give me, or how much?

How will I receive it?  What is a port?  Will I need one?

Is the chemotherapy I will get the same as other people with my condition?

How will I feel during treatment?

Will I have side effects like hair loss, skin changes, weight changes, or fertility changes?

Will the side effects get better or worse during treatment?

Will I have the side effects for the rest of my life?

What about my daily life?

What can I do and not do during treatment, like working, taking care of my family, driving, eating, drinking, and exercising?

How much help will I need at home?

Can I take other medications like my prescriptions, or ibuprofen?

Can I take vitamins or other supplements?

What is my treatment plan and schedule?

When will my treatment start?

How much time will my treatment take?  How often will I come to get it?

How long will I be here each time I come?

Will I have to stay overnight?

Can I take breaks from treatment for travel or holidays, or visitors?

What tests will I need before I start treatment?  What about during or after treatment?

Do I need to have treatment here or are there other places I can go?

Will I be able to drive myself?

What will happen after I finish treatment?

Where can I get help with costs?

Is there someone I can talk to about my costs and insurance?

Where can I find other services, such as massage therapy, acupuncture?

Where can I find support groups or people my family and I can talk to?

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