William H. Zuber Memorial Scholarship

The William H. Zuber Memorial Scholarship was established in 1998 to honor this former student and faculty member. It is intended to foster interest in chemistry as an academic major and assist students in the completion of the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Chemistry. One scholarship, in the amount of $1200, may be awarded each year.


Eligible students must be declared for a major in Chemistry, must have an overall GPA of at least 3.25, and must expect to have completed at least 12 hours of chemistry course credit towards a degree by the end of the semester in which they apply. Further, during the academic year in which they are supported by the scholarship, the student must enroll in at least six credit hours of chemistry courses and maintain full-time status. Continuation of funding under the Award during the second semester is contingent upon successful completion of all courses during the first semester.

Second-time scholarship recipients qualify under the same guidelines except that they must have completed 18 hours of chemistry course credit towards the Chemistry degree.

Criteria for selection:

Recipients are chosen by an Awards Committee consisting of members of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Department of Chemistry. Preference will be given to students who have taken most of their chemistry courses at the University of Memphis, are engaged in chemistry through activities such as research, tutoring, or science club leadership, and who plan to go on to careers in chemistry-related fields or chemical education.

Application Procedure:

Apply through the Tiger Scholarship Manager on the Account$ tab at my.memphis.edu.

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