General Chemistry I Laboratory--CHEM 1111

This course is required for Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, and Dietetics majors, and will also be taken by students preparing for medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and related health professions. CHEM 1110 and 1111 together (4 credit hours) satisfy a General Education Natural Science requirement.

NOTE: Students with an AP score of 4 or 5 may obtain credit for CHEM 1110 and 1111.

Corequisite or Prerequisite: Students are strongly encouraged to enroll concurrently in the associated lecture, CHEM 1110, but CHEM 1111 may also be taken after completing CHEM 1110 with a grade of C- or better.  [Students whose high school chemistry background is weak are advised to take CHEM 1010 before taking CHEM 1110 and 1111.  Please note: Separate grades are assigned for lecture (1110) and laboratory (1111).]
Corequisite or Prerequisite:  Completion of MATH 1710, 1720, 1730 or higher with a grade of C- or better.

Course Description: Experiments and experimental techniques in general chemistry that help support and extend the problem solving and concepts discussed in CHEM 1110.

Lab Experiments and other required materials:

  1. Lab Experiment are from  Experiments for General Chemistry I, by Professor Richard L. Petersen of The University of Memphis as revised by M. Freilich and M. Rosenberg (2013) and, on "opening day" of the semester, may be downloaded by students enrolled in the course at no charge from the course's eCourseware web site.
  2. bound Laboratory Notebook (something as simple as an elementary/middle school composition notebook is acceptable, but not a notebook with a spiral binding from which pages may be easily removed),
  3. a pair of safety goggles (not safety glasses) approved by the State of Tennessee,
  4. detergent (liquid dishwashing detergent is acceptable),
  5. a towel,
  6. a sponge, and
  7. a book of matches

All of these items are for sale at the University and Tiger Bookstores. A lab coat or apron is optional.

Grades: Students must attend weekly laboratory sessions and hand in acceptable laboratory reports. Overall grade will be based on the quality of the Laboratory Notebook, 8-9 (depending on the semester) individually graded reports and a written laboratory final examination.


  • The Laboratory Notebook must be prepared in advance of each week's laboratory exercise or experiment
  • Appropriate clothing, including safety goggles, and attention to safety are required in the laboratory at all times.
  • Reasonable and appropriate accommodations will be made for students who present a memo from Student Disability Services.
  • Students engaged in unsafe behaviors during lab or who have not properly prepared for lab may be excluded from any class meeting and will not receive credit for that meeting.

Instructor Homepages
 (Course Supervisor)

On-line Resources
On the first day of each semester, students registered for CHEM 1111 should visit the eCourseware CHEM 1111 site for more complete details about the course, including detailed course expectations and the starting dates for the first lab class meetings of that semester.