SMACS Constitution and By-laws

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The University of Memphis Chapter of the Student Members of the American Chemical Society

Ratified Spring 2014

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be The University of Memphis Chapter of the Student Members of the American Chemical Society (SMACS).

Article II. Objectives

The objectives of this chapter shall be to offer an opportunity for students of a chemical science to become better acquainted, to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, to obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences, to foster a professional spirit among members, to instill a professional pride in the chemical sciences, and to foster an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist. The SMACS lets students become better acquainted with chemistry and participate in related community outreach programs.

Article III. Membership

The membership of the organization shall be composed of Student Members of the American chemical society and associate members of the American Chemical Society. Students who are not ACS Student Members or Associate Members may be chapter members, but may neither hold office nor have voting power unless membership numbers are alarmingly low.

Article IV. Officers

The officers of this chapter shall include a president, a vice-president, a secretary, treasurer, an activities chair who shall constitute the executive committee. The officers shall be elected at the second to last meeting in the Spring Semester from the nominees chosen by nominations from the floor or self nominations. They shall take office immediately and shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are duly elected.


The chapter president acts as the primary coordinator for all chapter activities, and is expected to:

Prepare and distribute the agenda for each meeting

Learn and enforce all parliamentary procedures

Conduct regular meetings with officers and advisors

Coordinate the membership recruitment campaign

Plan the chapter’s calendar for the year

Establish committees and appoint chairs to carry out assignments

Monitor the progress of activities

Encourage cooperation and participation of chapter members

Be available to listen to problems, suggestions, and complaints of chapter members.

File the chapter’s annual report

Represent the chapter at special university or community events

Vice President

The vice president acts for the president when the president is unavailable for chapter activities. The vice president should help oversee committees and generally share the workload of the president. The vice president often serves as program chair.


The secretary is expected to:

Record the minutes of all meetings

Complete the membership roster

List committee assignments

Compile calendars of Activities

Handle chapter correspondence

Submit an organized set of chapter records to the faculty advisor(s) at the end of the year.

Activities Chair

The duty of the activities chair is to help with general setup and organization of chapter events, and is put in charge of creating smaller committees to help assist with chapter events and social media.


The treasurer is responsible for acquiring and the expenditure of any funds this organization holds. They must also keep up with club dues and submit a balance of said organization’s finances once per month.

Article V. Faculty Advisor

The Chapter’s faculty Advisor(s) is a faculty member who is a member of the American Chemical Society, whose duties shall be to advise the Chapter both in its local activities and in its relations with the society. The Advisor(s) shall be kept informed of all Chapter activities and shall advise the Chapter on any policy matters.

Article VI. Meetings

General meetings shall be held at 12:30 pm in room 218 every other Friday as set up by the executive committee. Special events may be arranged through the executive committee. There shall be at least four activities per year. Any interested members are invited to attend weekly meetings to voice their opinion and offer assistance to the executive committee. If decisions need to be made by voting, this will only include the executive committee.

Article VII. Dues

The annual national dues of the Student Members shall be sent individually to the Society. The Treasurer of the chapter shall collect local dues of $10.00 annually. Membership in the chapter is limited to those who have paid local dues. If one becomes a national ACS Student Member, then the $10.00 due will be waived. If a student becomes a national member of ACS in mid term, then half of the due will be refunded. If a student is unable to pay for the local dues, then he or she must provide their time and services to raise funds for the organization.

 Article VIII. Annual Reports

These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members, provided that the amendments shall have been proposed at least one meeting previous to the time of voting. Such amendments shall confirm to the ACS regulations established for Student Member Chapters.

 Article IX. Dissolution Clause

 All funds, including membership dues and remaining money, will be donated to the University of Memphis chemistry department upon the termination of this organization.

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