Chemistry Programs at the University of Memphis

Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Chemistry offers two undergraduate degrees, the B.S. and the B.S.CH. Both degrees have an optional biochemistry concentration. The BSCH requires additional coursework in Chemistry and undergraduate research, and graduates are certified by the American Chemical Society.

Departmental honors can be earned in all undergraduate degrees. To graduate with Honors in Chemistry a student must have a GPA of at least 3.25, both overall and in required science and mathematics courses, must earn honors credit in two upper division CHEM courses and a third at any level, must complete three credits in undergraduate research, and must present a research paper to an audience outside the department.

Accelerated Bachelor/Masters allows outstanding undergraduates to begin the coursework for the Master of Science in Chemistry during their senior year.  Students are encouraged to begin planning to enter the Accelerated B.S./M.S. program early in their undergraduate career, in consultation with their advisor.

Program Objectives

Graduates with an undergraduate degree in chemistry:

  • will have a satisfactory knowledge and comprehension of core concepts of analytical, organic, physical, inorganic and bioorganic chemistry
  • will have the ability to critically assess and solve problems relating to theoretical and practical aspects of chemistry
  • will have satisfactory laboratory skills
  • will be able to communicate chemical concepts, and the results of investigations into chemical phenomena, through oral and written discourse and by way of mathematical sciences
  • will have satisfactory basic computer and computational skills
  • will be prepared for entry level positions in the field, or for admission to graduate or professional school
  • will demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics and the importance of chemistry in its impact on society.

Graduate Programs

Letter from the Graduate Coordinator

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Memphis consists of a vibrant faculty representing all major areas of chemistry. Our faculty conduct cutting edge research that is often interdisciplinary and collaborative. These projects are funded by local, regional, and national agencies including the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, etc. Our research supports efforts to help train the next generation of scientists and science educators. If you are considering graduate school in chemistry, we would like to speak to you about becoming a graduate assistant in our department. Zoom meetings can be scheduled with the Graduate Coordinator by emailing a request to gradchem@memphis.edu. Answers to frequently asked questions about our program can be found here. Likewise, additional information on the process of applying to our program via the University of Memphis Graduate School can be found here. Also, language requirements for international applicants mandated by the UM Graduate School can be found here.

Best regards,

Timothy Brewster, PhD
Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Department of Chemistry
University of Memphis

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