Instrumental Methods--CHEM 4604/6604

Students to be Served: This course is required for all students majoring in Chemistry or Biochemistry. This course meets the General Education Integrative requirement.


  • CHEM 3211 and 3201
  • CHEM 3312 or permission of instructor

Description: Analytical instrumental techniques including molecular spectroscopy, chromatography, atomic spectroscopy, and electrochemical analysis.
(Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours per week, 3 credit hours)

Textbooks and other materials:

  • Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, by Silverstein and Webster (6th ed., Wiley)
  • Exploring Chemical Analysis, by Daniel C. Harris (2nd ed., Freeman)

Course Objectives: Students will learn basic principles and components of modern analytical instrumental techniques and will obtain hands-on experience of working with these instruments. Students will be able to identify structurally simple organic compounds and also learn techniques for quantitative analysis of organic and inorganic compounds in real-world samples.

Course Outline:

Grades: Letter grades are awarded on the combined effort of two exams, several laboratory exercises and resulting laboratory reports, and an oral presentation. Participation in all laboratory experiments is mandatory; a grade of zero will be awarded on any experiment missed.
Grades are expected to be in the range: A> 80 > B > 65 > C > 50 > D


  • Students are required to turn in laboratory reports. The deadline for reports is one week from the scheduled completion of the experiment unless indicated otherwise.
  • Late reports and failure to attend oral presentations will result in reduction of points.
  • Appropriate clothing and attention to safety are required in the laboratory at all times.
  • Reasonable and appropriate accommodations will be made for students who present a memo from Student Disability Services.

Instructor Homepages
Dr. Gary Emmert
Dr. Ted Burkey

On-line Resources
None currently