Intermediate Organic Chemistry--CHEM 4311/6311
This course is recommended for chemistry and related majors seeking more in-depth study of organic chemistry.
Course Description: Study of physical organic chemistry.
Three lecture hours per week; 3 credit hours.
Textbook and other materials:
Required textbook: Sykes, P., A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 7th ed.
A general organic chemistry textbook (Bruice, P. Y., Organic Chemistry, for example)
is are recommended.
Course Objectives:
Review of general organic chemistry; more advanced treatment of structure and mechanism.
Course Outline: (The exact order of topics may vary by instructor.)
- Structure of Organic Compounds
- Acid-Base Chemistry
- Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Reactions
- Reactivity of Organic Compounds Related to Structure
- Mechanisms Common and Name Reactions
- Linear Free Energy Relationships
Three examinations and assignments will be given during the semester. A comprehensive
final examination will be administered in class at the assigned time. Each test and
the sum of the assignments will count 20% toward the grade for the course. Grades
are expected to be in the range: A > 85 > B > 70 > C > 55 > D
- Tardiness and unexcused absence from class are unprofessional behaviors which should be avoided, but attendance will not be graded.
- Electronic devices such as cell phones and pagers should be turned off in the classroom.
- Reasonable and appropriate accommodations will be made for students who present a memo from Student Disability Services.
Dr. Peter Bridson
Dr. Ted Burkey
On-line Resources
None currently