Yongmei Wang


3744 Walker Ave., 419 Smith Chemistry, Memphis, TN 38152
Office Hours
Yongmei Wang

About Dr. Yongmei Wang


B.S. University of Science and Technology, China

Ph.D. University of Notre Dame


Honors and Awards

Alumni Association of Distinguished Research Award in Science, Engineering and Mathematics, The University of Memphis, 2018

College of Arts and Science Distinguished Research Award in Natural and Mathematical Science, The University of Memphis, 2017

Dunavant Professorship 2015-2018

PI Millionaire, University of Memphis, 2012

Research and Scholarly Activities

 Dr. Wang was trained as a physical chemist. During her career, she had research experience in experimental spectroscopy and computational modeling for polymers and macromolecular systems. Since she joined as a faculty member at Memphis in 2003, she has developed an active research program that focuses on the computational/theoretical studies at the interface of macromolecular
systems and nanomedicine. Her research work spanned from the study of separation and characterization of macromolecules and nanoparticles, rational design of polymeric systems for gene and drug delivery, and the plasmonic optical properties of metallic nanoparticles and their use in nanomedicines. Her current research focus is in nanomedicine, i.e. the use and application of nanomaterials for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Her research group seeks innovative ways to apply theoretical, computational and experimental (through collaborations) methods to meet challenges in nanomedicines by bridging the gaps between theories and experiments.