Ying Sing Li


SM 007
Office Hours
Ying Sing Li

about dr. li

My research interests have included the applications of infrared and Raman spectroscopic methods for the studies of potential drugs and biomarkers. Results from the investigation are expected to help with the drug research and development and to explore a clinical method for the decease detection. Another area of research is involving with the metal corrosion prevention. Metal corrosion is an oxidation process. Our approach to the metal corrosion prevention is to carry out the metal surface treatments. The main purpose of the treatments should help to eliminate or reduce the conditions for the occurrence of metal oxidation process. In my research laboratory, we have applied the silyl sol-gels for the metal surface coating. Most silyl sol-gel processes have been conducted in organic solvents. To make the process rather environmentally friendly, we would like to have the process going on in an aqueous solution. To make the coating film strongly attached, it is our intention to work out an experimental condition that will favor the chemical bonding between the sol-gel film and the metal surface. Surface analytical methods have been applied in this direction of research; electrochemical methods have been employed to test the results of the metal surface treatments.



Ph. D. 1968, University of Kansas


Research Interests

Molecular Spectroscopy

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