Jermaine O. Johnson

Professor of Teaching/Coordinator, UG Advisor

(901) 678-4445
(901) 678-3447
SM 109
Office Hours
By Appointment
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Jermaine Johnson earned a BS in Chemistry from Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. He later worked as a Quality Assurance Chemist at Barrow-Agee Laboratories in Memphis before earning his PhD in Organometallic Photochemistry from the University of Memphis. Since 2009, he has worked for the department as a Graduate Assistant, a Senior Lecturer at the Lambuth Campus, and an Associate Professor of Teaching. Over the years, he has received the Alumni Association Teaching Award and the W. Russell and Audrey E. Nesossi-Smith Award for Teaching Excellence. In his spare time, he enjoys marathon running, DIY projects, and promoting STEM in local schools.


  • BS in Chemistry, Morehouse College, 2008
  • Ph.D. in Organometallic Photochemistry, University of Memphis, 2015

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