Larry W. Houk

Emeritus Professor

SM 215
Office Hours
12-3 Mon-Thurs, 3-5 Fri
Faculty Picture

About Dr. Larry W. Houk


B. S. Middle Tennessee State University
Ph.D. 1967, University of Georgia

Professional Experience

Professor of Chemistry, University of Memphis, 1978 - present
Assistant Director, University Honors Program, 1988 - 1992
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Memphis State University, 1973 - 1978
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Memphis State University, 1968 - 1973
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Georgia, 1967 - 1968
Southeast Water Pollution Laboratory, Athens, GA , 1967

Grants and Funding

Precollege Education Programs:
Solid Waste Environmental Enrichment Project (SWEEP)
Preengineering Enrichment Project (PEEP)
Radon, Energy, Air Project (REAP)

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