Grants and Contracts

  1. Development of a Capillary Electrophoresis on a Valve System for On-Line, Near Real-Time Drinking Water Monitoring, USEPA, $551K, G. Emmert (PI), Submitted 7/24/08. Pending; Update 12/9/08: "The application has received a favorable review and has been forwarded to the program officer for programmatic review".

  2. Fed Ex grant

  3. Streamwalker

  4. Collaborative Research: MRI: Development of a Capillary Electrophoresis on a Valve System for On-Line, Near Real-Time Drinking Water Monitoring, National Science Foundation, $357,194, G. Emmert (PI), Submitted 1/24/08. Not Funded.

  5. Development and Automated Drinking Water Disinfection System Offering On-Line Analysis of Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products to Optimize Treatment Practices for Higher Water Quality, Preproposal submitted to the NASA EPSCoR Competition for TN EPSCoR 1/21/08, G. Emmert (PI), $305,000, Funded.

  6. Capillary Electrophoresis on a Valve: An Automated, On-Line, Near Real-Time Approach to Simultaneous Monitoring of Trihalomethanes, Haloacetic Acids and Selected Emerging Disinfection By-Products, Preproposal submitted to the American Water Works Association-Research Foundation, 2/1/08, G. Emmert, (PI), $208,557, Not Funded.

  7. A Model for Integration of Scientific Computing and Computational Chemistry in the Curriculum, National Science Foundation, $150,000, G. Emmert (Co-PI), Submitted 5/9/2007, Not Funded

  8. MRI: Development of Next Generation Chemical Analyzers for Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products, NSF-MRI Program, $387,425, National Science Foundation, Emmert, G.L. (PI). Submitted 1/25/2007, Not Funded

  9. Acquisition of a Spectrapolorimeter for Teaching and Research, NSF-MRI Program, $137,600, National Science Foundation, Emmert, G.L. (Co-PI).Funded

  10. Acquisition of a HPLC-MS, NSF-MRI Program, $365,600, National Science Foundation, Emmert, G.L. (Co-PI), submitted 1/25/2007. Funded

  11. CAREER: Understanding the Chemistry of Analytically Important Reagents and their Use in Miniaturized Analytical Devices, National Science Foundation, $499, 714, G. Emmert (PI), Submitted 7/20/2006. Not Funded

  12. AwwaRF 2873: Project Extension- Methods for Real-Time Monitoring of Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water Distribution Systems, G.L. Emmert (PI). Submitted 02/03/06, $81,402, Funded.

  13. Radiance Technologies, Inc., G.L. Emmert (PI), $22,185, 01/18/06- 05/30/06. Funded.

  14. Acquisition of a HPLC-MS, NSF-MRI Program, $250,000, National Science Foundation, Emmert, G.L. (Co-PI), submitted July 2005, Not Funded.

  15. Practical Miniaturization of Analytical Instrumentation used for Drinking Water Monitoring, AwwaRF Unsolicited Proposal, G.L. Emmert, PI, $150,000. Preproposal, Not Funded.

  16. Practical Miniaturization of Analytical Instrumentation for On-line Monitoring of Drinking Water, Office of Navy Research/NASA, G.L. Emmert, PI, $491,398, White Paper (Preproposal) Not Funded.

  17. Practical Miniaturization of Analytical Instrumentation, NSF-CAREER, G.L. Emmert, PI, $504,000, submitted July 2004. Not Funded.

  18. Acquisition of a HPLC-MS, NSF-MRI Program, $180,000, National Science Foundation, Emmert, G.L. (Co-PI). Not Funded.

  19. Methods for Real-Time Monitoring of Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water Distribution Systems, G.L. Emmert (PI), American Waterworks Research Foundation, $461,373, Funded

  20. Monitoring Organic and Inorganic Compounds in Extraterrestrial Environments, G.L. Emmert (PI), D. Sears (Co-PI),NASA-Arkansas Space Grant Consortium Collaborative Research Grant, $39,085/yr for 3 years. Funded / Declined since accepted position at U of Memphis.

  21. Research Internships in Science for the Environment\RISE: An NSF Sponsored REU Site for Interdisciplinary Research in Environmental Chemistry, R. Hannigan (PI) and G.L. Emmert (Co-PI), National Science Foundation, $199,689. Not Funded

  22. NSF-CAREER Enhancing Undergraduate and Graduate Opportunities in Chemical and Education in the Mississippi Delta, G.L. Emmert, National Science Foundation, $653,766. Not Funded

  23. Developing Automated Methods for Monitoring and Maintaining Safe Drinking Water in Extraterrestrial Environments, G.L. Emmert, NASA-Ralph Steckler-Space Grant Colonization Research and Technology Opportunity, $581,962. Pending, but will likely not be awarded . Proposal in limbo.

  24. Fundamental Studies of Supported Capillary Membrane Sampling-Gas Chromatography, Emmert, G.L., The Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society, Submitted 27 February 2001, $25,000. Not Funded

  25. Developing Automated Methods for Measuring Disinfectants in Drinking Water, Emmert, G.L., Cron, S., Steyer. H., NASA-Arkansas Space Grant Consortium. $26,462. Funded

  26. Environmental Applications of Supported Capillary Membrane Sampling-Gas Chromatography, G.L. Emmert (PI), Arkansas Water Resources Center Water Quality Grant, $78,016. Not Funded

  27. Development of Selective Post-Column Ion Chromatographic Method for Measuring Orthophosphate Concentrations in Natural Waters, Brister, P. and Emmert, G.L, Arkansas SURF-Silo Undergraduate Research Award, $3893. Funded

  28. Detecting and Quantitating Bromide Ion and Bromate Ion Concentrations in Surface, Ground, and Sea Waters, Steyer, H., Hannigan, R., and Emmert, G.L., Arkansas SURF-Silo Undergraduate Research Award, $3893. Not Funded.

  29. Travel Award for Pittsburgh Conference, G. L. Emmert, Arkansas State University College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Research Award, $400. Funded

  30. New and Improved Methods for Measuring Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water, Emmert, G.L, Arkansas Science and Technology Authority, $75,688. Funded

  31. Acquisition of a HPLC / IC Chromatograph, Nave, P., Russ, J.L., Hannigan, R., Grippo, A., Emmert, G.L., National Science Foundation Instrumentation Grant, Submitted 15 July 00, $79,900. Funded

  32. Levels of Mercury in Bats in Fish Consumption Advisory Areas, Grippo, R., Emmert, G.L, Russ, J.L., Wilhide, J.D., United States Environmental Protection Agency, Submitted 5 July 00, $303,302. Not Funded

  33. Developing Automated Methods for Measuring Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water: Arkansas State University Scholarly Initiative Fund. $6275 Funded

  34. Selectivity Enhancement in Analytical Methods for Measuring Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone During Chemical Disinfection of Water, Research Corporation, $36,197. Not Funded

  35. Acquisition of a HPLC / IC Chromatograph, Nave, P., Russ, J.L.,Grippo, A., Emmert, G.L., National Science Foundation Instrumentation Grant, Submitted 15 July 99, $69,097. Not Funded

  36. Improved Methods of Analysis of Chemicals in Drinking Water, Emmert, G.L., Duty, C.N., Puckett, S.D., NASA-Arkansas Space Grant Consortium. $32,232. Funded

  37. The Development of Semi-Automated Colorimetric Methods for Chlorine Dioxide Concentrations in Drinking Water, Budd, K.D. and Emmert, G.L., State of Arkansas SURF-SILO Undergraduate Research Award, $3600. Not Funded

  38. Research Award for Mr. Sean Puckett, G. Emmert, Arkansas State University College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Research Award, $400. Funded

  39. Standards for Trihalomethane Analysis, G. Emmert, Arkansas State University College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Research Award, $444. Funded

  40. Developing Improved Methods for Measuring Disinfectants in Drinking Water: Arkansas State University Scholarly Initiative Fund, $3550. Funded

  41. Materials for the Flow Injection Laboratory, G. Emmert, Arkansas State University College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Research Award, $399. Funded

  42. Selectivity Enhancement in Analytical Methods for Measuring Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone During Chemical Disinfection of Water, Research Corporation, $36,197. Not Funded

  43. Development and Comparison of Analytical Methods for Measuring Chlorine Dioxide Concentrations in Water, Puckett, S.D. and Emmert, G.L., State of Arkansas SURF-SILO Undergraduate Research Award, $3600. Funded

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