The Department of Chemistry has 21 full-time faculty members and instructors, several emeritus faculty, research scientists, lab assistants and post-doctoral fellows. The department is housed in the J. M. Smith Chemistry Building located on the main UofM campus. Visit the department website for additional information: https://www.memphis.edu/chem/people/staff.php


The department seminar series occurs every Friday afternoon (excluding holidays, cancellations, etc.). Refreshments begin at 1:30 PM with seminar at 2:00 PM in Smith Chemistry Room 102. Please contact Dr. CHARLES GARNER, Seminar Coordinator, for requests for accommodations, general information, or if you would like to present in our seminar series. Complete seminar schedule at: https://www.memphis.edu/chem/about/seminars.php 


Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemistry Education, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry 
Full Details on Research at: https://www.memphis.edu/chem/research/index.php


Full Details on department programs can be found at: https://www.memphis.edu/chem/programs/index.php 

The Department of Chemistry offers two undergraduate degrees, the B.S. and the B.S.CH. Both degrees have an optional biochemistry concentration. The BSCH requires additional coursework in Chemistry and undergraduate research, and graduates are certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS).

- Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Chemistry major

- Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Chemistry major, Biochemistry concentration

- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BSCH, American Chemical Society approved program)

- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BSCH, Biochemistry concentration)

- Chemistry Minor


- Master of Science (M.S.)

- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


MELISSA ALFONSO, a chemistry doctoral student, was recently awarded a prestigious, two-year Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education fellowship at the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Corrosion Control Treatment Project. She will work on research related to lead and copper corrosion control treatment optimization in drinking water distribution systems due to the recent lead and copper rule revisions.

Melissa Alfonso


KHLOE SCOTT, an undergraduate chemistry major, has recently been awarded an Experiential Learning Fellowship through the College of Arts and Sciences for Spring 2022. She will work with Dr. NATHAN DEYONKER conducting research to identify new interstellar molecules and formation pathways for complex chemical species through prediction of chemical spectra in space. Possible shapes of Metal carbon molecules (relevant to Khloe’s project). The metal atoms are red, carbon is black and hydrogen is white.

Khloe Scott project


Dr. KENSHA CLARK, an Assistant Professor in Chemistry, has recently been awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award (NSF Award ID 2146510, $590,000). Dr. Clark’s research efforts will focus on development of new chemical compounds and ligands for electronic bridges or molecular wires for use in artificial photosynthesis.

Dr. Kensha Clark

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