Gary L. Emmert
Interim Dean

About Dr. Gary L. Emmert
Ph.D. 1999, Miami University, Oxford, OH
M.S. 1992, Tennessee Tech, Cookeville, TN
B.S. 1988, Tennessee Tech, Cookeville, TN
Honors and Awards
2007-2008, Early Career Research Award, The University of Memphis,
2010-2013, Dunavant Professor, The University of Memphis
2010, First Horizon Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fellow, The University of Memphis
2012-2013, Distinguished Research Award in the Natural and Mathematical Sciences, The University of Memphis
Topics of Interest
Analytical and Environmental Chemistry; Automated Methods of Analysis; Microfabrication and Microfluidics; On-Line Monitoring; Chemistry of Drinking Water Disinfection; Chemical Kinetics of Water Treatment processes, The nexus of research and business.
Director of Mobile Analytical Monitoring and Miniaturization Laboratory (MAMML)