African American Male Academy

African American Male Academy


Here at the University of Memphis, our top priority is to provide students from all backgrounds with the opportunity to excel. One of the most vulnerable student populations is African American males. The UofM has made a long-term commitment to improving the success rates of black males with the establishment of the African American Male Academy (AAMA). 
The AAMA takes an applied developmental approach in three phases:  

  1. Starting in middle school, the initiative will identify, recruit and induct African American male students into a culture of inclusive excellence. Through this model of early exposure to academic and career preparation, peer and faculty mentors, textbooks and educational supplies and integration into college life, African American male students are set on an early path toward college completion.
  2. The AAMA will provide college students assistance to overcome potential obstacles to degree completion through well-established and newly developed programs such as Empowered Men of Color, HAAMI, I AM A Man: I Teach and MLK50 Fellows. These initiatives plus many more will serve as the core components of AAMA for students once enrolled at the UofM.
  3. The AAMA will identify, recruit and induct students into UofM master’s, doctoral and law school programs.

In June 2020, the first cohort of 50 African American male 8th graders were inducted into the AAMA. These middle schoolers will receive academic and career preparation, mentoring, and educational assistance as they matriculate through middle and high school and the UofM. Our goal through this program is to increase the 6-year graduation rate for this student population from 40% to match the overall graduation rate of 62% by 2025.

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