Traffic and Parking Standing Committee

The Traffic and Parking Authority reports to the Chief Financial Officer. The Authority is responsible for establishing, maintaining, and reviewing traffic and parking policies, guidelines, and procedures.


The Chief Financial Officer will annually appoint members to a Traffic and Parking Standing Committee having advisory responsibility for a comprehensive traffic and parking program for The University of Memphis. The committee will review and recommend to the CFO a program responsive to traffic patterns, parking needs, security, and access priorities; it will be responsible for maintaining approved traffic and parking policies, guidelines, and procedures. Staff assistance will be provided to the Committee by the Parking Office, which will publish, distribute and enforce traffic and parking regulations.

All formal recommendations and decisions of the Traffic and Parking Standing Committee should be submitted to the CFO for review, discussion with the President, and action.

MEETINGS: An organizational meeting of the Traffic and Parking Standing Committee will be called as soon as the membership is confirmed to familiarize members with the committee purpose and to determine the schedule of future meetings. Thereafter, meetings will be held as necessary to fulfill the committee's function(s).

COMPOSITION: The committee consists of voting members drawn from the faculty, staff and student populations. A chairperson will be appointed by the CFO and will not have voting rights, except in the event of ties. The Chief of Police, Assistant Chief of Police and Director of Police Operations, the Director of Parking and Transportation Services, the Director of Facilities Management, the Director of Disability Resources for Students, and the Associate Dean of Students – Office of Student Conduct, will serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.  The Director of Parking and Transportation Services will also serve as secretary.

Faculty and Staff Traffic Appeals Sub-Committee: The Chair of the Traffic and Parking Standing Committee will appoint five members of the Traffic and Parking Standing Committee, representative of faculty and staff, to the Faculty and Staff Traffic Appeals Sub-Committee. Ex-officio, non-voting members of the Traffic and Parking Committee are eligible to serve as members of the Faculty and Staff Traffic Appeals Sub-Committee. A chair will also be appointed by the Chair of the Traffic and Parking Committee.

The sub-committee will hear appeals of faculty and staff citations received for alleged violations of traffic and parking regulations. (The Student Government Association will hear student citation appeals). Faculty or staff members wishing to appeal a citation have 72 hours after receipt (holidays and weekends excepted) to do so. The Appeals form is available on-line or available in the Parking Office, 120 Zach Curlin Garage. Completed appeal forms should be submitted to the Parking Office.

The Faculty and Staff Traffic Appeals Sub-Committee will meet once a month and appellants will be notified of date, time and place. Appellants may appear before the committee with any evidence they wish to present, or if desired, the appeal can be made in absentia so long as supporting evidence/documentation is made available to the committee. If an appeal is upheld, the citation will be voided and the fine removed. If the appeal is denied, the appellant will be notified of the decision of the Traffic Appeals Sub-Committee. Generally, decisions of the Faculty and Staff Traffic Appeals Sub-Committee are final. Any requests for further review should be submitted to the Vice President for Business and Finance who will decide whether to entertain subsequent appeals.

REPORTS TO: Chief Financial Officer.

Annual Reports

Due on or before July 15 and shall contain at least the following information: activities, issues, and proposed solutions discussed by the committee; an outline of unresolved issues which might be considered, discussed and acted on during the coming year; a report on contributions of committee members; and any recommendations for membership on the following year's committee.

2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012

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