Public Records and Forms Standing Committee

The University Standing Committee on Public Records and Forms reports to the Chief Financial Officer. The Committee oversees the creation, distribution, retention, storage, retrieval, protection, preservation, and ultimate disposal of all types of University records, regardless of format.


This committee is responsible for the following functions:

  • To oversee the creation, distribution, retention, storage, retrieval, protection, preservation, and ultimate disposal of all types of University records, regardless of format.
  • To assist in the development and implementation of new or revised records management systems as requested by the University Records Officer.

All formal recommendations and decisions of the Committee are advisory. They should be submitted to the Chief Financial Officer for review, discussion with the President, and action.

MEETINGS: Meetings will be held as necessary to fulfill the committee's function(s).

COMPOSITION: Members to include two faculty members, a member of the staff senate, the University's Data Administrator, a member from Information Technology Division, an administrative staff member from an academic unit, and staff representatives from the following records intensive offices on campus: Human Resources, Finance, Library, Registrar, and Research Support Services; the University Records Officer or designee and a representative of the Office of Legal Counsel will serve as ex-officio, non-voting members.

REPORTS TO: The Chief Financial Officer.

ANNUAL REPORT: Due on or before July 15 and shall contain at least the following information: activities, issues, and proposed solutions discussed by the committee; an outline of unresolved issues which might be considered, discussed, and acted on during the coming year a report on contributions of committee members; and any recommendations or membership on the following year's committee.

FY17-18 Annual Report

FY16-17 Annual Report

FY15-16 Annual Report

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