Fee/Refund Appeals Standing Committee

The University Standing Committee on Fee/Refund and Appeals reports to the Chief Financial Officer. The Committee is responsible for reviewing all appeals relating to University fees, charges, deposits and determinations of refunds (exclusive of parking and traffic fines which are handled by separate committees) submitted by students, faculty, staff or other affected individuals.


The Committee will receive and review all requests for appeals as specified in University Policy BF4020 which states: Any student or other interested individual may appeal ...any University action connected with fees, charges, refunds, and collection procedures." Parking and traffic fines are excluded since these are handled by separate committees.

The Committee will make an advisory recommendation to the Chief Financial Officer. If the CFO concurs with the recommendation, it will be approved. If the CFO does not concur, the Committee's and the CFO's recommendations will be submitted to the President, whose decision is final. In either case, the CFO will advise the appellant of the decision and advise other University offices to implement the decision.

The Committee may seek information from any office or person within the University that will assist in making a decision. The appellant may be asked to provide additional information. The Committee may request individuals with relevant information or knowledge to submit information or to appear before the committee. The appellant will always be permitted to appear before the Committee if a request to do so is made, but the committee may prescribe reasonable rules on time allowed and other procedural matters.

In making recommendations, the Committee will be concerned with fairness and equal treatment to all individuals in similar situations. In general, the Committee must find reasons why an exception to the University's normal policy or procedure is warranted, as contrasted with simple disagreement with the policy or procedure. Generally, circumstances that are within the University's control OR responsibility should be the basis for an exception. Sympathy with an appellant's situation will not be a major basis for an exception.

MEETINGS: The first meeting will be held early in the new school year, preferably in September. Thereafter, meetings will be held as necessary to fulfill the committee's function(s).

COMPOSITION: The committee will consist of members including representation of faculty, staff, and the student body; the Bursar or his/her designee will serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

REPORTS TO: Chief Financial Officer

ANNUAL REPORT: Due on or before July 15 and shall contain at least the following information: activities, issues, and proposed solutions discussed by the committee; an outline of unresolved issues which might be considered, discussed, and acted upon during the next year; a report on contributions of committee members; and any recommendations for membership on the following year's committee.

Contact information regarding appeals:

University & Student Business Services
Phone: 901.678.2712
E-mail: usbs@memphis.edu

Annual Reports

2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012

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